About Me

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19 years old. Enjoy running, rugby, cycling, travelling, and traditional film photography.

Monday, 15 August 2011



FYI, I'm on my way to serve you with the NEW TESL Merch.
It's TESL'S Button Badge.

*The price is still on negotiation. Maybe. Maybe. Around MYR 3 or MYR 5.
I'll post the button badge design later on(3 designs!).
For more info, jumpee sayee kat kelass tiap-tiap hari. Haha.


Unknown said...

big project yg ak tnye ang td ape cite mat wafi oi?haaaa

azaan said...

duk buat ngada2 boleh, coih.

Wafi Halim said...

Jangan marah Zaan.
Nak jugak ka? Contact aku nanti.