About Me

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19 years old. Enjoy running, rugby, cycling, travelling, and traditional film photography.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Working On Something Big


How are you peeps?(yang duk baca blog aku ni budak kelas aku ja pon. haih)

Today we're gonna talk about 'something big'. Have you ever heard this song? "You Live Only Once - The Strokes". So, do what you want to do and do remember, don't wait! because there will be no another day for you. 


Passion is everything. Last year, I planned to travel from Kedah to Johor on my bicycle. But it failed. Everything was ruined due to time and etc. So, this year I will work harder! Haha. I had planned many things to do in this year. Not just for me, but for the people around me including my coursemate, TESL. I hope I will be given a chance to do it. InsyaAllah. 

Full of passion - Albert Einstein

"A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away."
-Phyllis McGinley


Unknown said...

nice entry dude ! ^^

CeNdOL PuLUt TApAi said...

wahhh! gudluck wafi. kikiki

Ibrahim Ismail said...

Never underestimate the power of technology. People around the globe could be reading yours.

What's up with the vid on the top of this blog? It keeps repeating every time I'm switching to another entry. BTW, I don't get the message either. The man is being 'perasan' or what? A photographer does take picture of almost everyone.

Wafi Halim said...
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Wafi Halim said...

People around the globe? I wonder..
My blog isn't that famous. But I agreed with you. 'Never underestimate the power of technology'.

Sorry about the vid. It's autoplay.
The man is thinking about tomorrow. Hehe.