About Me

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19 years old. Enjoy running, rugby, cycling, travelling, and traditional film photography.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

I'm Back!


I'm used to be a Blogger 2 years ago. But I stop. I'm getting sick of Blogging from day to day.

Then one day, suddenly I'm back on Blogging. I'm Back?
It's a new start. Let's share(not everything lah)!


arahida said...

i think i'm going to neglected my fb from now...wakakaka XD

Unknown said...

wafi , great ckit ~ kah3
nt p komen blog ak plak eh..hihi

Wafi Halim said...

pakat2 main blog. wakaka!

CeNdOL PuLUt TApAi said...

toyo tewa!!

anis farzana, 20 said...

tite pown tute belog awak..~yackss

Ibrahim Ismail said...

You don't write much YET, but you have style in your blogging. I kinda like it. Minimal pix and text, they're just charming. Keep writing!

Wafi Halim said...

Thanks for the support.