About Me

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19 years old. Enjoy running, rugby, cycling, travelling, and traditional film photography.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Thank you for

Thank you for inviting one of my pictures on your pool, Flickr'er. Appreciated. 

One of the people.


.::nur.hannan.fhk::. said...

magic hand.!!

Wafi Halim said...

erkk. kemon hannan, bwk nat mai. kta p shoot kuala perlis. lyn sunset

.::nur.hannan.fhk::. said...

meh tman ak blik klantan -.-

Wafi Halim said...

mmg nak p kelantan pun nnti. tp pasai tmn tu xleh. salah etika perguruan. wakaka

.::nur.hannan.fhk::. said...

dok la dlam bonet keta.ok kot..haha
mna hilng weekend nie? p pnjm bicycle tdi, mna tmpat best area nie nak cycling?