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19 years old. Enjoy running, rugby, cycling, travelling, and traditional film photography.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Anak mu yang selalu, Memelukmu, Menciummu,


It's Wednesday, Happy Teacher Day! I miss all my teachers especially when I was in primary school. Cikgu Fatimah! Kalaw Cikgu Fatimah baca post ni(tak mungkin), saya rindu cikgu sangat2. Sebab cikgulah cikgu pertama yang sangat cantik mengajar saya. It was in standard one, great memories. SKSAT. A few days ago, we celebrated Mother's Day which this year it turned out different because the Ulama said it is haromm to celebrate the mother's day. So, I did not celebrate. 

Tapi sambut hari guru tak haram. So, I just delayed the present. This year I am giving them a picture in a frame. Hopefully my parents will loikeee it. Hope so. 

Selamat Hari Guru. Terima kasih cikgu. Sebab cikgu saya pon jadi cikgu. Kerana cikgu dan ibu bapa, saya solat. Terima kasih.

Olympus OM10 and Nikon EM | Fujifilm Superia 200 and Fuji T64 Tungsten

My parents, my teachers.

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