About Me

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19 years old. Enjoy running, rugby, cycling, travelling, and traditional film photography.

Thursday, 26 January 2012


Keluar mengayuh at 7.45 then sampai rumah terus mandi laju laju and then bukak semua tingkap bilik, pasang kipas nombor empat dan Wallah! Nyamannya dunia ini. Alhamdulillah.


Today I'm going to tell you why I love traditional film photography or widely known as analogue photography. People often ask me, "Why films?". I just simply answered because I love it. 

I was 12 years old when I first saw a slr camera(not digital slr/DSLR) in my uncle's room. My uncle is a single status man and he enjoyed photography when he was studying in university. At that time, he owned 3 cameras and one of my favourite is Olympus OM10 because of it's chrome solid body and the OM system. Now he passed it to me. 

I don't have that much money to buy a digital single lens reflect when I was 15 but still I am one of the SMK Jitra photography club. I just use a compact digital camera and I did bring it when there are a meeting in the afternoon. Most of them owned a Digital SLR. It's a very interesting technology. And sort of stylish when you're hanging it on you're neck. But I can't afford things like that. 

One day, a competition was held. It's a photo contest! The terms are simple, sent your best 5 picture in a week. And the photography theme of the contest is Nature. So, I was thinking if I could give a try. But I don't have a Digital SLR? That's not going to stop me. So, I used my father's compact digital camera. It took a lot of effort to get a great shot from a compact digital camera. I do lots of  Google-ing and do my study on ISO, shutter speed, aperture(kamera ayah mana ada pon. haha), and etc. A week passed and I won the third prize. A certificate was given and my name was listed for the photography workshop which will be held in IPDA(haha). Later I had a chance to represent my school for a SONY photography competition which will be held at KL. But I spoiled the chance because I'm going to enter MRSM. But it was a good decision after all. I learned lots of new things when I was in boarding school.

When I was 16, my brother brought back a toy camera manufactured by a company called Lomography. The  all-plastic camera is very super-light. And it is a film camera. Interesting. It reminds me of my Uncle's camera. When I went back to Tampin, Melaka with my family, we usually visit him and I asked him about the cameras and he said he had stopped taking photos because he's getting old and tak larat and bla bla bla. So he gave his dusty Olympus OM10. I was very happy because it was my first camera and I take good care of it. Always. 
Until now, I enjoy traditional film photography or people called it analogue photography. 

Sebenarnya saya tak nak habis duit kat hobi saja, nak jugak simpan duit untuk kahwin. Haha.


.::nur.hannan.fhk::. said...

like V^^

Wafi Halim said...

thanks hannan
Jom analogue.

I found a talented Kelantanese girl on the Flickr which she's been taking photos using her father's slr, Nikon FM3a. Lawa. Google, Hanis Rowi flickr.

Ni yg nak p kelantan ni. Haha

.::nur.hannan.fhk::. said...

that will going to cost me a lot, wafi..n plus, im not that good in pic'..

go ahead, iallah i'll join u in years..haha

azaan said...

ohh OM tu pakcik ang yang bg. haram toi kata beli kat ebay. cm ni la kencing member. pfft

Wafi Halim said...

hihi. mana ada duit nk beli zaan oi.