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19 years old. Enjoy running, rugby, cycling, travelling, and traditional film photography.

Saturday, 24 December 2011

1/500sec and above


I was thinking lately about cool things to do during my final week of my holiday. Ugh! I hate the feelin' when holiday starting to fade way. Sure lots of thing to do. Packing, stuffing, decorating, sweeping and finally I'm pretty sure it will be ended by sleeping! Haha. So, back to the topic. Cool things? Example? Yes, it is called Levitation. It is a well done project by a Japanese girl. Sure she looks very pretty. And the camera too. Haa! The colours, the composition and everything in the pictures captured by her are really cool! But, EM does not have shutter speed control. So, it will be hard. But I think he can make it. Guess so. 
Find out what is Levitation. Click here.

Please be hurry OM10.

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